Chloe Yuill

Architect, ECD Architects

What made you interested in working in the Built Environment?

My passion for drawing, collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity led me to pursue a career in the built environmentHowever, it wasn't until I attended SEDA’s ‘Howard Liddle Memorial Lecture’ that I truly grasped the potential impact I could have and the responsibility it entails. During the lecture, Sandy Halliday and Chris Morgan discussed the ecological damage caused by our actions in the built environment, which deeply affected me. This event ignited my determination to improve the built environment and to continually challenge myself and those around me to do better.

Why did you join the Built Environment Change Makers?

The Change Makers seems like the perfect opportunity to learn from those before me, engage with new people, and learn new subject matters and ideas. I have spent a considerable time in Architectural spheres but this group provides the perfect opportunity to get out of my own silo and meet and connect with in the wider industry.

What are your top 3 knowledge areas that you are bringing to the Built Environment Change Makers?

  • Architecture (with a keen interest in Retrofit, Passivhaus and Post Occupancy Evaluation)
  • Planning and Policy (specifically around NPF4)
  • Early Stage Design and Communication

What are you hoping to achieve?

Hopefully by collaborating with the other Change Makers I will deepen my knowledge and understanding of societal, professional and built-environment issues. I aim to help this group impact positive change at every level, from policy, processes and projects and to share what we learn as widely as possible.